
new season resolutions.

I'll admit it. I'm one of those people that loves making New Year's resolutions. I had great success last year with my resolution to start saving more money. This year though it's a different story. My two this year were:
1. Complete the Sun Run. (A 10K.)
2. Get up at 7 or 7:30 am every weekday.
Well ... I've realized that New Years isn't a great time to make resolutions. In January, it's still winter which isn't very motivating, especially for exercise based resolutions. I have gotten up earlier a bit more since Christmas but it hasn't been great. Since its Spring though, I've been really feeling like some new resolutions are in order. So, along with continuing to work on the getting up earlier, I'd like to get in one more workout per week and work on my wardrobe a little.  (The Sun Run just isn't going to happen because it's in a month and frankly, I've realized that I hate running.) New season, a few new things for the closet!? Sounds like a fun time to me! I've always loved fashion, and paid attention to it, but in the last couple of years I've stopped paying as much attention to my own clothes, so I think it's a good time to get interested again. Does anyone else (the whole handful of you that read this) feel like the change of season is the time for resolutions?

P.S. I promise, no more cherry blossom photos after this one ... until next Spring anyway!


  1. I very much agree that spring is a nice to change things up. Though, we haven't quite hit "spring" here yet... i plan on joining you in thinking about what the season change can bring, oh in about two weeks. Also, the cherry blossom pictures are making me very very envious, they're beautiful!

  2. I don't know about Spring Resolutions, but I LOVE the idea of getting back into fashion (always inspired by a new season), as well as more Cherry Blossom photos (I MISS THEM!!). If I could trade these white, wet snow flakes in for pretty soft pink cherry blossoms, I would in a second!! Love


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