
small joys.*

1. I bought this ampersand on a trip to Seattle in February from Anthropologie. This week it got moved to a perch on our headboard. I love the metal with the lamp against the blue wall. Free interior design fix? Awesome.

2. As part of my new season resolution to pay a bit more attention to my wardrobe,  I went on a lovely little shopping excursion with Jenn on Saturday. Ended up with new maroon Chucks that were on sale. A welcome and practical addition since my old sneakers had holes in them. 

3. More fruit from my shopping trip. A new dress! Not practical, unless having something to wear to two weddings this summer can be considered practical, but so pretty and different from anything else I have in my closet right now.

4. I sat down to write this post and was complaining about how cold our apartment is today so my lovely manfriend filled up our hot water bottle to keep my toes toasty. (For the record, I also put on socks.)

5. This one is a pretty big joy. On Friday, Nick got some really good business news. We've been trying extra hard to be frugal the last few months so we celebrated by splurging on some amazing food from the Granville Island market and had ourselves a little feast. I bought us a half bottle of really good champagne that I'd had my eye on since Nick started working on this particular thing. More on his project in some future post, for now congratulations to my love. I am so proud! (Note the glasses with Hermes on them that belonged to Nick's grandfather. So cool, right?!)


  1. Three cheers for good news!

    I'm loving your blog, as it lets me keep tabs on your life slightly so I don't feel like such a bad friend. We've pointed the gypsyqueen north, so soon we will at least be in the same country!

    lets talk soon.

  2. I love your blog! and I love you so I'm going to follow :) btw, I'm also a sucker for ampersands and bought one in Portsmouth last summer, they make me smile.



  3. Thanks to both of you! Ab - are you coming through Vancouver on your way back to the motherland?



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