
on my way to ...

Work! The other day I noticed that there are some really lovely things on my twelve-block walk to my bus stop. I thought I'd share, since I managed to get out the door early this morning and because spring doesn't last forever! Nick came along and we ended the photographic walk with a donut! Well actually, I ended it at work, but that's not nearly as exciting as the donut.

P.S. I think this might become a regular post but I'd love to get my friends from other parts of Vancouver, the country and maybe even the world to take photos on their way anywhere, just to keep things interesting. If any of you handful of people who read this are interested, let me know! I'll post your pictures and we'll see what happens. XO


  1. This is just lovely.
    I'm moving to Vancouver.

  2. Such a great idea. I'd love to do this! I'll start taking pictures.. though they may not look as pretty as these :) I'm going to share on my blog too and see if I can get people interested!

  3. That's awesome! I'd love to get yours from NS. I'll send you a message on Facebook with my email address. Thanks!

  4. I love this idea! I missed it as a regular stream until today. I'll email you some "on My Way" to Halifax photos. Images from my commute in that kind of obsessed me for a couple of years. You will immediately understand/know why.... <3

  5. Yes please! I was hoping to get lots from all over the country. XO

  6. Not a bad idea. Here are some of my photos, mostly on my way to work and back:


  7. Trevor! So amazing that you posted those. I'm totally going to use them if that's okay with you. I'm so pleased that you've looked at my blog. Thanks.


  8. Feel free to use them, please just link back to the picasa web album or whiverwill.com at some point. Thanks! I noticed your blog through facebook a while ago and have been keeping an eye on it ever since!


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