
happy birthday nana and auntie jackie.

{Helen during a visit to Vancouver in 2009.}
My nana is 89 today. 89!! And doesn't she look amazing?! She's pretty incredible. She was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and immigrated to Edmonton when she met my Gramps during World War II. She was in the war herself, and met my grandpa driving trucks. (How rad is that?) She's been a mother to four kids (my mom is the third) and is the grandmother of six girls. She's one of the most well-travelled people I know and travelled to Singapore, by herself to visit my Auntie Jackie at 80-years-old. She recently got back from a trip to San Diego, with her kids, Doug, Jackie, Barb (mom to me) and Terri. Happy, happy birthday Nana! To many more. XOXO

{Update: My auntie Terri pointed me to this
gorgeous photo on Jackie's Facebook page.}

It is also my Auntie Jackie's birthday! (That would have been a great birthday present for Nana, that year. A baby girl!) I don't have a photo of her because I haven't seen her in waaaaay too long! She hosts wicked parties and is one of the warmest people I know. She once hosted my mom's entire side of the family (eighteen people) at her house in Colorado for several days around Christmas. We had the best time eating her marvelous food and catching up. Lots of love to my Auntie Jackie!


  1. There is a beautiful new photo of Jackie on her Facebook page - or Vanessa's - grab it and post it, please.
    Katie, the entry about Hellie (as I call her) brought tears to my eyes.
    Love Terri

  2. Thanks Terr. I put up that photo. It's a beauty! Love, K.

  3. Great work, Kate - yeah, isn't she gorgeous! They both are!!! xo


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