

Despite the fact that I can't make it to book club in May because of my cousin's wedding, I read two books for it! Perhaps I have some underlying guilt about not finishing the last book I set out to read. Anyway, in the last week, I read two books on this month's theme: food. Considering both books were sort of on the same topic they could not have been more different, but I enjoyed them both immensely! First I read Anthony Bourdain's Medium Raw. I was a huge fan of Kitchen Confidential, the book that made him famous and this was almost as good. It seems his anger has tamed a bit but he still had some really interesting and hilarious things to say about recent changes in the restaurant world. Second, I read Julia Child's My Life in France. What a great read! I loved it so much that I raced through it in about two days, all the while hearing Meryl Streep's Julia narrating in my head. Bong-joor! If you've seen Julie and Julia, you'll know the basics but this goes into great and wonderfully descriptive detail about her day-to-day life and, perhaps more importantly, the dishes she puts on her table. It has inspired me to learn to cook a few dishes really well, since my cooking skills are a little patchy. I've yet to decide completely what I'd like to learn but it'll be a fun project, and I'm sure you'll hear all about it! In the mean time, if you want something to read this summer, either of these books would be an excellent choice.

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