

Nick's sister posted a Facebook status the other day asking for great TED talks. It made me think that I should post my absolute favourite TED talk of all time in my little corner of the web here. Isabel Allende is an amazing woman, even if I've yet to finish one of her books. This TED talk is truly inspiring and makes me cry almost every time. I love that Isabel is funny, flirtatious and totally in command of herself and her sexuality, all the while being a strong feminist (they are not mutually exclusive, friends).  I listen to it every few months and think about it often. If you've ever had any doubt about why feminism is still relevant, this talk will convince you that it is. I promise though, it is one of the funniest TED talks I've ever heard and will engage everyone, even if you shy away from the f-word.

While discussing things I feel strongly about, I have to mention the federal election on Monday. There has been a lot more discussion about the youth vote this time. I have to throw my two-cents in. Please vote! It's so important even if it feels futile sometimes. I especially feel that it's important for young women to vote because we couldn't in Canada just 100 years ago. What's the old adage ... use it or lose it?! Just sayin'. Happy Friday, friends.

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