

It has been a long week, friends. Mostly due to frustrating construction in our bathroom and wrapping up one of our bigger books at work. After some congratulatory wine (for finishing the book) at The Whip, with work mates and Nick, we headed home early. I think because of our crazy week, we were both craving some time at home. We both ended up retreating to our favourite parts of the apartment (attic for him, bed for me) and whiled away the evening working on our own projects, watching our own shows and generally decompressing. (Even if our apartment is still coated in a fine layer of dust. Cleaning will be here forever, right?) I have to admit that I love a cozy night at home almost as much as a warm dinner or drinks with friends. Even if it means that I'm getting old, sometimes a girl just need to stay in, pluck her eyebrows, watch reruns of What Not To Wear and write in her blog! Happy weekend!

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