
on my way to ...

The bank (um, exciting)! On Wednesday, we Vancouverites got a welcome respite from the ridiculous rain we've been having this spring. (Seriously, does anyone else thing this has been a particularly wet spring? I mean, I know it's Vancouver, but this is just silly.) I was game to go anywhere on a lunch time walk today and one of my favourite people in the world, Norma, needed to go the bank so I tagged along, studio camera in hand. We had a great catch up session because Norm's been away for a few days in the Motherland (we both hail from Alberta) and I got a few shots showcasing the glorious weather.


  1. Good to see you making photographs in this way again! More, please. <3

  2. Thanks Terri! It's so nice to have a creative outlet (that isn't work!). Going to a drawing class this weekend ... will post drawings if they're any good! XO


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