
OMG! i'm practically famous!

Okay, Kate deep breaths. As you can tell by the fact that I used capital letters AND exclamation points in a title, I'm very excited right now! This morning I was perusing one of my favourite blogs, Young House Love, and thought that I'd comment on their super cute herb garden. I shared our balcony garden, just for fun. Get this: Sherry actually wrote me back AND thinks our garden is cute. Okay, so I'm not actually famous but it was still a great pick-me-up on a day that didn't start very well (do you ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed?). Anyway, life really is about small joys, right?!

P.S. This has lit a fire under me to do an update post about our garden because it sure has grown.

P.P.S. Happy first day of summer! What are your plans for the summer? (You can see mine here.)


  1. haha, so cute. I love that blog and you gotta love the small joys that make you happy!

  2. yup. definitely famous. :)

    cheers XOX


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