
feeling autumnal.

{Ginger tea in a tea pot taken from the trailer on Denman Island aka, the best tea pot ever, and yummy ginger tea.}
Though autumn signals impending gloom, I think it's my favourite season! (I can't believe I just admitted that, since summer is the usual choice.) Growing up in Edmonton, where you'll miss autumn if you blink, I didn't realize how wonderful it can be. I love that the weather is neither too hot nor too cold and I love that my desire to be cozy at home is justifiable. And though most seasons require a shift, autumn requires the most. The blankets and slippers come out, I rediscover tea, and my desire to buy freshly harvested, delicious food and to be baking is irrepressible. And the crisp air ... I can't forget the crisp air!

Here are a few little things that make me feel autumnal.*

{Cozy blankets on the arms of chairs.}

{A new sheepskin rug on the back of a chair. A new and favourite autumn addition!}

{Scarves and flannel, often together, never matching!}
*Autumnal is a word, I promise! Isn't it a great one?

au·tum·nal adjective
1. belonging to or suggestive of autumn; produced or gathered in autumn: autumnal colors.

From dictionary.com.


  1. "Autumnal"... it sounds so grounded.

  2. That is the most perfect way I have ever heard Autumn described (also my favorite season)!! Can you write it down somewhere and frame it for me? I will pick it up on my next visit :o)


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