
hot toddy.

I've been feeling like I'm fighting off a cold lately. In my family being sick (or almost sick) means one thing: hot toddies! (Sans whiskey, when we were kids, obviously.) According to my nana, a hot toddy will cure all that ails you: I have to agree!

You'll need:
1 oz. whiskey, bourbon or rum (or more to put hair on yer chest)
1 tbsp. honey
1/4 lemon
boiling hot water
*Adjust all of the above to taste.

To make:
Pour the honey into a mug. Pour in boiling water so the honey melts. Add liquor and lemon. Enjoy with an early bedtime, an interesting book and a friend with warm feet.

1 comment:

  1. I actually never knew what a Hot Toddy was until I read this, but I was too embarassed to ask anyone! I have no idea why. Glad I am in the loop now, sounds very tasty. Feel better soon :)


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