
i heart grey sweaters.

{Addie being really helpful ...}

As I mentioned last week, I was planning on going through my dresser for quite a while. I finally did it this week, mostly because I couldn't get most of the drawers closed anymore.

Since I moved out of my parents' house almost ten years ago, I haven't had a proper dresser that was mine and that actually holds everything properly. I currently have two dressers. One is tall and skinny and doesn't hold much and the other has two large top drawers with a cabinet underneath, which is helpful for blankets etc. but not really ideal for clothing storage. One day I'd like to by a proper extra long dresser, perhaps one that N and I can each have one side on, because I always prefer to have less pieces of furniture than more, but for now, what I have, will have to do.

Anyway, I started out with the unmentionables and socks. I got rid of things I never wore and paired many wayward socks. I also moved the unmentionables into the shallow top drawer in the larger dresser so that I can actually see everything I have at a glance.
{Ignore the stuff on top.}

After that, I was on a pretty good roll, so I got through the shirts, pants, shorts and sweaters pretty easily. From all of this, I learned a few things about myself:
  • I apparently love grey sweaters.
  • I need to buy myself some new underpants.
  • Most of my pairs of pants have holes in them from biking. I'm contemplating how to fix them but some of them may be beyond help. Harumph.
  • Long underwear are difficult to find a drawer category for.
  • I am apparently obsessed with wooly socks (though Canadian winters will do that to you).
  • Ironing is really not my forte.
{Under this layer, they're all grey.}
 I'm thinking that next week, I may tackle the closet (see my note about ironing) but in the meantime I'm glad that everything has a place and that I know where the place is for now. Unfortunately, dresser organizing is one of those things that has to get done a couple of times a year. I wish I was one of those people who folds everything neatly and puts them back in the right drawer, right away, but I'm never going to be. For the next few months though, this will be a major improvement!

This post is part of the William Morris Project. I'll be linking this post to the inspiration: Pancakes and French Fries.


  1. Great post Kate! This is something that I love doing, and actually do it a lot! One thing about cleaning out your closet (or drawers) is that when you throw things away you can donate them, and you get to purchase new things and not feel guilty!!

    1. That's a good point! I will likely be buying some new jeans sans biking holes in them and definitely won't be feeling guilty about it!


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